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In China
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Saturday, July 28, 2012

The sun finally showed itself today in Guangzhou and we went back out to the park to get a little exercise and enjoy the outdoors. Being a Saturday, the park was very crowded. It is really interesting to see all of the people congregating at the park to play cards, hacky sack, exercising and playing music. Our parks seem very empty and underutilized compared to here. We have had a few unsuccessful attempts of going on a walk with her in the stroller, but have tried every day in hopes that she will take to it. She finally got comfortable and enjoyed the hour-long stroll through the beautiful scenery. The sun really heated things up and we were ready to hit the pool when we got back to the hotel. We thought we would try and see if Sadie would enjoy the pool. The first attempt at the bath didn't go so well so we were pretty skeptical. Turns out, she's a water rat. Just splashes and giggles and lays on her back and stomach and has no trepidation of being in the water. Looks like Nana's pool will be a hit for her as well.

In the afternoon, we traveled to the zoo where once again Sadie was content to sit in the stroller. After a quick rain shower, we were able to see the Pandas. Hunger started to set in and so we went back to the Mexican restaurant for dinner. Some language barriers with the waitress resulted in a pretty pricy meal. Carson and Lindley each ordered two soft tacos with just beef and cheese. When our food arrived, the waitress brought out two soft taco MEALS for each of them which included three tacos with rice and beans. Lots of wasted food for that meal! Back at the hotel, we decided to go swim again and Sadie could not get enough of the pool. As we were pretty tired, we decided to head back to the room and wind down to some Chinese Olympic coverage on the TV. Overall a great day, but we are more and more anxious to get home. We are continuing to pray for the problems at the U.S. Consulate in hopes the all of the other families can get their visas as soon as possible and that ours goes as planned.

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