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In China
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Everyday we have lots to share but then the jet lag sets in and we are ready to go to bed. So tonight will be another short entry.

First, we want to thank everyone for all the support and prayers. We cannot express how much it means to us.

Secondly, it has been an amazing journey to watch Carson and Lindley during this experience. The kids have been wonderful and their strength amazes us. Carson has been a wonderful help and has truly fallen in love with Sadie. Lindley has been such a trooper with not feeling well and continues to hang in there and never complain.

Today we spent a couple hours in the lobby playing with Sadie. We really enjoyed getting on the floor and interacting with her. She even took a couple steps for us. Lindley and Sadie finally had some bonding time this afternoon, which we all know Lindley has been craving.

This afternoon we applied for Sadie's passport at the police station and then ahead to the Irish Pub for dinner. The food was wonderful!!

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