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In China
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our last official obligation was completed today as we visited the U.S. Consulate to apply for Sadie's visa and swear in for her U.S. citizenship. Tomorrow we pack and travel to Hong Kong, hopefully without any complications. As we come close to the end of our journey, we are very excited to come home, but at the same time, there will be a feeling of sadness to leave Guangzhou. As difficult as this trip has been at times, it has strengthened our family like we could not have imagined. For that we will be forever grateful for this opportunity that God has offered us.

Some things that we will hold dear to our hearts about this time in China:

- Family togetherness

- Support, camaraderie, and friendship from total strangers going through the same challenges and emotions as we did

- Our guides, Allison in Beijing and Molly, in Guangzhou, and our driver

- The attentive service of the Chinese. Always prepared and ready to help with a smile

- Guangzhou, in general. Just a beautiful city with so much to offer.

- 7-Eleven and 22oz. Tsingtaos for 75 cents

- McDonald's across the street

- Paddy Fields Irish Pub

- Sending out the laundry

- The Chinese pride in their culture

- Sesame Puffs

- FaceTiming with friends and family

- The outpouring of love and encouragement from friends and family from the other side of the world

Carson realizing that putting shoes
on a baby is not an easy thing to do

Beautiful girls

Gorgeous Shamian Island

Lindley the celebrity!

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