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In China
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our last day in Guangzhou. We ventured out to the Fuli Children's Garment Market in the morning after breakfast as this was our last opportunity to see more of Guangzhou. After some great buys, we headed back to the hotel to pack for our van ride to Hong Kong. Molly brought our visa to us without any problems and we loaded up the van and said goodbye to Molly and our driver for 10 days. If you would have asked us when we arrived in Guangzhou, if we would be sad to leave, we would have thought you were off your rocker. Tears were shed though, as we said goodbye to Molly. She was utterly amazing and we were so thankful for her throughout our stay.

The weather was perfectly clear in Guangzhou and that really afforded us great views on our van ride to Hong Kong. The landscape was beautiful and we could not get over the unfathomable size of the cities we passed along the way. Dinner at the hotel in Hong Kong and then off to bed for our last night before the return trip home.

Outside the Fuli Children's Garment Mall

Always room for another Reds fan!

Chasing ruffles through the lobby

Saying goodbye to Molly before we leave for Hong Kong

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