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Friday, September 28, 2007

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday.”
- a.a. milne, Winnie the Pooh

After 88 very long days, Jia’s cast is off! What a brave little girl. She handled the whole situation with more patience and grace than any adult could have.

Yesterday at 3:45 our whole family went to Dr. Storer’s office for the big event. Anna was designated chief photographer, so all the pictures on this site are from her. Jia was fine until she saw the big saw headed toward her. Then the screaming began! Quite honestly it scared Drew and I too. It took a while to get the giant pink cast off, and was not easy, made worse by a broken air conditioning system in the office. Finally it was off! Jia was extremely distraught, as to be expected.

So far she is holding her legs in the exact same position that the cast held them in. She was thrilled to say goodbye to the dreaded diaper and put her big girl panties back on last night and she took a half hour bath with her very patient big sister Katie at which time she got all her rubber duckies back in a row!

Dr. Storer says the x-ray from yesterday was good and that her hip should serve her well. As for the short term, she will be very stiff for about a week and it will slowly begin to loosen up and stretch. He said it may take her up to 3 weeks to attempt to walk, or she may try in 5-7 days. There is really no physical therapy, she just has to get stronger and walk. Dr. Storer did order a walker for her that should be delivered to our house sometime this weekend. We will go back to see Dr. Storer again in 3 weeks.

Drew and I both took today off for a long weekend with our little girl. We are going to help her get accustomed to her new situation.

So, that’s where we are at right now. I will update this site on Sunday to let everyone know how things are going.

Once again, we can’t thank everyone enough for your calls, your prayers, your excitement for us and your offers to help. We are very blessed to have family and friends like you.

We Love you!
Lesa, Drew, Anna, Katie and Jia

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” -Psalm 37:4

Jia's two favorite guys - Dad and Dr. Storer

Scary moment

Looking good-inside and out!

Our beautiful Bath Ducks (Katie we owe you one)

The big pink cast- Jia screams if she sees this

Sleeping with Mom after a long, rough day.

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