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"You do not choose your family. They are God's gifts to you. As you are to them." -Desmond Tutu



Kisser of Boo-Boos, Expert Hug Giver, Book Reader, Shopping Expert, Funny Woman, Trivia Queen, the Best Snuggler and the Craziest Mom.


Expert Piggy-Back Giver, Pool Thrower, Little Kid Wrestler, Good Sport, Chauffeur, Calm & Cool, Coach of All Sports and the Best Dad!


Fashion Consultant, Roommate, Personal Chef, Game Organizer, Activity Coordinator, Tutor, Funny Jie Jie.


Personal Trainer, Animal Tamer, Sports Coordinator, Hair Stylist, Technology Assistant, Crazy Jie Jie.

Band of Brothers

Daisy, Max and Tink say hurry home, feeding the dogs is your first chore!

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