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January 10, 2007  |  March 18, 2007  May 31, 2007  June 8, 2007  July 2, 2007  July 3, 2007  July 26, 2007  September 28, 2007  April 2, 2008  August 9, 2008  August 19, 2008  November 14, 2008

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

“I’m back to livin’ Floridays,
blue skies and ultraviolet rays”
-Jimmy Buffett

Sorry the “home update” has taken so long. The jet lag has just knocked us all out. Way worse than the other way around. We are all on different, very weird time schedules.

Our return journey was long, seemed much longer than the way there. Jia-Li was a little trouper. She slept for around 14 hours of our 20+-hour trip.

We are home safe and sound and in the words of one of my idols—Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz- “There is no place like home”

Jia has been much better with me. Still won’t let me pick her up or hug her, but if she comes over to me everything is ok. She loves talking to her Dad on the phone, riding around in her stroller and eating French fries.

Some sad and telling facts about Miss Jia:
-She gets out of her soft, warm bed to sleep on the hard floor. In the pictures we received of her she did not have a mattress but a hard bamboo mat.
-Jia had about 20 Christmas presents waiting for her when she arrived home. She picked a small one from the top, opened it up and then refused to open anymore.
-Jia-Li insists on taking her backback that we gave her on Gotcha Day everywhere she goes, and wears it to sleep, we have to take it off her back after she is already asleep.

One of the things Jia got when she got home was a mini-shopping cart from Katie. She loves it, puts all her things in it and pushes it all around. Well, on Sunday, Drew and Anna ran out to Walgreen’s for some batteries. They never stopped to think to tell her they would be right back. She got her purse, her cart full of things and sat by the front door and cried silently until she fell asleep holding on to her little cart. She was broken hearted.

All in all though, she has been very happy. Loves her dogs and the dogs love her as she feeds them everything she eats. Loves her sisters, they spend every waking hour playing with her. She loves to dance-Drew gave her a little IPOD with all Chinese kids songs on it for Christmas.

We are simply amazed that so many people followed our journey. All the love and support that was poured out to us means so much. We were glad to be able to introduce Miss Jia to a lot of you at WCY and PHS yesterday.

We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being so wonderful and such important parts of our lives.

Please keep checking our drop shots as we still have a lot of cute pictures to upload.


Again, there are no words to express how much your love and support mean to us. God Bless you all!

“Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel, things are going to work out much better if you only will.”
-James Taylor

Jia touches down in Detroit,
now she is a legal US Citizen!

The Parnham Girls fast asleep in our Hotel room in
Detroit (we had an 8 hour layover)

Our postponed Christmas Day

More Christmas Day

Jia-Li very distraught, before she fell asleep, waiting for Daddy to return

A true American Girl, talking to Daddy on the phone

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