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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Another long day! We have had some highs and lows. This morning the Dr. decided that Jia did need a blood transfusion, as her hemoglobin (I think) levels were low, so that was done today. She slept for a long time and has had some extreme pain, and some good moments.

As of right now she is feeling better with a little help from heavy- duty medicine. They unhooked her IV, but she is still catherized. They are going to unhook her catheter at midnight and if she urinates within 8 hours she may be able to go home tomorrow. They also have to look and make sure her hemoglobin levels are healthy, but there is a chance we may be able to leave tomorrow.

She is beginning to show some frustration about not being able to move her legs and has demanded to get “DOWN” a few times. The Doctor has prescribed Valium for her that she will also take when she gets home. He says this calms her anxiety about not being able to move

I met with the Physical Therapist today about how to care for her with the cast. Most children are double diapered when they have this type of cast on—a spica cast. We are reluctant to do this to Jia as she has been aggressively potty trained in China—since she was 18 months old! They tie them into a potty chair and don’t let them get up until they are trained. SO in Jia’s mind going to the bathroom in a diaper (or with the catheter) is a point of shame and upsets her. Therefore, we are going to try to get her to tell us when she needs to “go” and lift her to the potty. Hopefully that will work, if not, next step is a bedpan, only if those things don’t work will we resort to a diaper.

Our Social Worker has rented us a special wheelchair and is looking into options for a caretaker if Jia’s issues continue into the beginning of the school year. She is a wonderful lady named Roxanne, we thank her, the dedicated nurses and Dr. Storer who has gone above and beyond the call of duty for us.

Sweet Jia

The Asian Diva

Jia's Favorite Nurse

Anna-Joe Di Maggio's Next Top Model

And we wonder where Jia gets it from?


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