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"Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me and anyone who welcomes me welcomes my Father who sent me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest."
Luke 9:48

Ye Ru Hui is the name that Jia-Li was given by the Social Welfare Institute in Daye City. Ye stands for Daye City, (it is common for orphans to be named for the city in which they were found,). Ru means good luck and Hui means good fortune.

After making lists of names and having a family vote we decided on another Chinese name-Jia -Li, which means smart and beautiful. We will keep Hui as her middle name.

The following information came to us with Jia-Li's paperwork from China:

Ye Ru Hui was found abandoned nearby the Long distance Bus Station of Daye City on October 4, 2004. Her date of birth was assigned to her along with the name Ye Ru Hui.

When Hui arrived at the Social Welfare Institute (the orphanage) she was very sad and quiet so she was placed with a foster family. She is very close to her foster mother. Hui has been diagnosed with a displaced hip but she walks, runs, stands steadily and climbs stairs.

Hui is very shy and has a quiet personality. She likes to be clean, watch tv, play with her friends and share her toys. Her favorite toy is a doll. She likes to imitate from tv and to dance.

Hui's favorite foods include rice, noodles, pork, vegetables, fruit and milk. She is potty trained and sleeps through the night from about 9:00 p.m. to around 7:30 pm.

At 29 months, Hui weighed 22 pounds and was 33 inches tall.

We ask that you pray not only for sweet Jia-Li ,but for her foster parents and also for her birth parents. What a terrible sacrifice to have to make to insure a better life for your child.

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord...plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

(Received July 20, 2006/
Translated from Chinese)

She is a very smart girl. Even though she is not very talkative, but her eyes tell us she understands many things. She loves dolls, likes to play games with other little friends. She can walk, and run, can say Nainai (grandma), Dada (father). She doesn't like to do what the nanny  tells her very much. She loves to be told she is cute, beautiful. She is a very lovely girl.

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