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Monday, July 2, 2007

"Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also to those who need it so much."
-Daphne Rose Kingman

It has been a long, rough day. The displacement was even worse than the Dr. thought, he had a tough time placing it where it needed to be and had to use screws and kevlar stiiching to help place it. Drew will be able to explain this better than I. Dr. Storer did have to cut her bone in two places. Also her blood count is low so she may need a transfusion tomorrow. The surgery lasted from 7:30 to 12:30 which was longer than we thought, but they kept us posted throughout. Dr. Storer was happy with the way things went, but the extremely bad news is that he thinks he is going to have to keep the cast on way longer than originally anticipated--more like 10 weeks, which puts us well into the school year. We are going to have to get weekly x-rays, and then at 5 weeks he may take the cast off to look at the healing and then put it back on. SOOOOO...we don't have any brain waves about how to solve that yet, but the Lord will help us come up with something.

Our little Jia is in a significant amount of pain tonight and is feeling very angry. The doctor says this is normal for the first few days, and then she will get better. It is discouraging though because she has really been blooming and now we feel like she has shut down again.

It's a hard one. I will write more tomorrow and try to get some pictures of her cast so you can see how extensive it is.

Good night,

Lesa, Drew, Anna, Katie and Jia

Jia-Li at Dr. Liang's office for her pre-surgery checkup

My new water wings

Funny faces with Anna

Daddy's Girl

Having fun with Katie

Jia dressed herself for the Dr.

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