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Thursday, July 26, 2007

“We must accept finite disappointment but we must never lose infinite hope.”
~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

So much has happened in Jia’s life since our last update! Jia’s first surgery was unsuccessful, when we went back to Dr. Storer’s office for x-rays at the 2 week mark he told us that the surgery needed to be done all over again and the bones needed to be held in place with a pin. Oh No! More surgery for Jia, another hospital stay, our timetable pushed back, worries about what if the second surgery didn’t work it was stressful to say the least.

Thank goodness we had a wonderful visit from Nona, Auntie Moira, Mitchell and Jake to make things sooooooo much better. We had so much fun while they were here. And as every other grandchild before her, Jia fell instantly in love with her Nona and many tea parties were held.

Thanks to Nona, Grandpa and the Parnham, Sardachuck, Harlton Aunties and Uncles the girls are decked out and completely ready for school. The visit included such diverse activities as a trip to the Everglades and a trip to the Sawgrass Outlet Mall. (Yes, Jia went on both of these trips!)

After the visit Jia went back to Joe Di Maggio for her second surgery. This one was much more painful because of the pin. The pin actually breaks through the skin but we can’t see it as it is under the cast. Jia had a really hard time for the first four days and once again most of that anger was directed at Mom. One of the hardest things I have ever experienced—to see your child in pain and then not be able to go near her, as she did not want anything to do with me!

WELL, what a difference a week makes, Jia is feeling much better, loving her Mom, giggling, smiling, playing games and making everyone wait on her hand and foot. Her favorite thing is to drop something and then decide which one of us will be the lucky person that gets to pick it up for her.

Most importantly, today was the BIG day. Jia went back to Dr. Storer for her x-ray and the second surgery was successful. Dr Storer said the hip “looks beautiful” and that it is straight. We are beyond happy and relieved.

Now Jia’s timetable includes another x-ray in 1 week, in 3-4 weeks Jia will go back into the hospital and they will take the pin our and recast her in a looser fitting cast. In 4-5 weeks after that the cast will come off. It seems like forever. Living with this cast is not an easy thing for everyone involved. We will be so relieved when this is over and Jia can run like the wind!

We got other really good news this week. Jia’s preschool is going to take her with the cast! We were so worried about what we were going to do with her, as we didn’t think they would take her. That is a huge weight off our shoulders and it is really good for Jia as she will have a lot of stimulation and will be able to start her VP-K program with her class from the very beginning.

Anna and Katie are getting a little restless, they won’t admit it but I think they are getting ready to get back to school. Drew is already back to work and I start the week before the kids go back. I finished my first gifted class this summer and I am very excited about my new position.

While we were in China I dedicated each of my posts to a person or a group of people. I would like to dedicate this posting to Nona, Moira and the cousins for the wonderful visit. I would also like to dedicate this to Dr. Stephen Storer who has, with God’s help, worked miracles for our precious Jia.

“Sometimes we must walk through pain to get home again.”
~Forever Lily by Beth Nonte Russell

Jia with her sisters and her cousins

Tea Party with Nona

Right after second surgery

Jia Today

Calling Nona

Funny Faces with Mom

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