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Friday, June 8, 2007

“There is a time for everything,
A season for every activity under heaven.” -Ecclesiastes 3:1

As most of you know by now, Jia was not approved for surgery at her pre-op physical. She had a little cold (that has since grown into a monster cold). Both Dr. Liang and Dr. Storer agreed that there would be a risk of pneumonia if Jia had her surgery, so they would not clear her.

OH NO!!!!!! We have until mid August to get her up and running before school starts, not to mention a planned trip to Calgary.

Sweet, sick Jia
Dr. Storer was completely booked through the summer, but God (and social workers) work in mysterious ways. To make a long, tense, two day story short, Dr. Storer traded surgery days with a colleague to fit Jia in on July 2.

We are so thankful for this as Jia’s surgery cannot wait until next summer. If not corrected, her condition will become inoperable and the only thing they will be able to do is fuse the bones together. The Lord is watching over our precious girl! Obviously all of your prayers are working.

As you can imagine, this experience has been an emotional roller coaster for the rest of us, but we know that everything happens for a reason. God is good.

Please click on our dropshots link. I am uploading a ton of pictures including Katie and Anna’s awards ceremony, Jia’s first trip to Chuck E. Cheese (we celebrated her birthday on Sunday thinking that she would be immobile on the real date) and some cute candids.

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