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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sorry for the lack of updating last month. We had a run of the flu and unfortunately it knocked out both James and me on the same day. The inmates were running the asylum for a few days! Laura also got a mild case and then our pediatrician put the rest of the crew on a preventative course of T*miflu and luckily the rest of the house stayed well.

I am very thankful that we were able to stay well through the Chinese New Year celebration as we had a wonderful time. We had a lovely dinner at P.F. Chang’s where the girls not only wore their traditional dresses, but they had red lanterns that really lit up. Each of our children also received a red envelope with some money in it. The girls loved their “lucky” red dresses and we had a great time enjoying a Chinese dance troupe from a university in China that was performing at our local children’s museum on the week-end. Our whole family was able to attend this with our local FCC group and we were able to meet several families that we had previously only known from their blogs. Afterwards we went out to eat with a few of the families at another delicious Chinese restaurant.

Claire is growing so fast that we are eagerly looking forward to spring. Many of her pants are getting too short. I have been doing some spring and summer shopping and every time Claire gets to try on some new clothes, she gets excited and asks, “Is it spring now?” She really wants to wear her new clothes. She is also very excited about her new sandals we have bought for summer. Since her favorite color is “Hot pink” she is super-excited about a pair of hot pink sandals I found for her. When a new catalog of girl’s clothing arrives in the mail, she plops down on the couch to peruse the pages and pick her favorites. I must say that she has excellent taste! She asks almost everyday if it is time to wear her Easter dress yet. Since her dress is blue, (like Cinderella’s ball gown), she says she needs long gloves that go all the way up above her elbows! I’m not sure how that will look with a smocked dress, but with Easter being so early this year, it may feel good!

As you can tell from the pictures, we were playing around one night and tried out some “piggy tails” and it made Claire ready for an impromptu photo shoot. She loved her hair, and I think she will want to wear it like that a lot during the hot days of summer.

Thanks for continuing to check-in. We love reading all the comments. This is going to make a wonderful keepsake for Claire someday and your comments are a huge part of that.

Claire and Laura ready for CNY

Claire at children's museum

Piggy Tails


Just Thinking

Too Cute

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