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December 2007

Hi everyone!

Our last update didn’t include Halloween photos, so here are some! Jae Lyn wasn’t too sure about her “bee” outfit, but we managed to snap a few photos!

Jae was sick on Halloween, so she didn’t get to trick-or-treat this year, but I am sure she’ll make up for it for years to come!

Thanksgiving was fun – Jae Lyn’s Grammy came to visit or as Jae Lyn calls her, Gei-Gei or something like that!

Jae Lyn has a whole list of accomplishments!!

She now says Bye (when you’re supposed to say Bye!)

She says Hi, with that long-drawn-out Southern accent!

When you ask her “what does Doggie say?” She responds with “WOOF”

When you ask her “what does kitty say?” She responds with something that we think sounds like “MEOW” (ha, ha!)

She can point to her eyes, nose, mouth, hair, etc.

She can point out people in photos when we ask her to.

If she sees a bird on the television, she’ll open one of her books and point to a bird!

She wants to feed herself all the time.

She dances by wiggling and tapping her foot

Claps her hands to music or if she hears applauding on the television.

She tilts her head back and fourth and teases and smiles at us!

Loves to give kisses and blow kisses

It’s hard to believe that she is now 16 months old!

After so many years of just me & Steve celebrating Christmas, this year will be unbelievable!!!

We cannot wait to start our own traditions with our baby girl.

Next update will be the end of December.

We wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!


Steve, Patti & Jae Lyn

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