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We're Home
Coming Home  |  June 2007  July 2007  August 2007  September/October 2007
December 2007  March 2008  January 2010

June 2007

Hi everyone - It's hard to believe we have been home over a month now! We have had a busy, but wonderful time. In June we had Jae Lyn's "welcoming" party in Pittsburgh and it was wonderful to have the entire family together with us! They all loved seeing Jae Lyn! Jae has grown so much, it's hard to believe she is the same baby that was so tiny in China! She will be one year on the 29th of July so festivity planning is underway!

Here is a list of her recent accomplishments!!

She plays "SO BIG" with her arms in the air She play peek-a-boo

She is starting to use a spoon to feed herself!

She will pretend to feed you something then pull her hand away and eat it herself - this cracks her up!!!

She had her first trip to the beach and to Story Book Forest and Idlewild Park!

She is starting to crawl and is trying to stand up!

She says: Da-Da and is trying to say Doggie....no Mama yet :(

Celebrated her FIRST Fourth of July with fireworks and lots of neighbors to pass her around and love her!!

Check back at the end of each month for our updates!

With love,

Steve, Patti & Jae Lyn


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