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July 2007

Hi everyone!

Boy what a busy month we have had!

Jae Lyn is growing everyday – she never ceases to amaze us!

She hasn’t said any new words, but most everything sounds like “da-da” !!

She now blows-kisses and waves hello, goodbye, etc. She also loves her play cell phone and holds it to her ear and I think she is trying to say “hello”!!

She now is crawling everywhere and is pulling herself up and taking some steps, but is still holding on.

When we go into her room to pick her up out of her crib she is standing up! Pretty funny to see how fast she is learning and growing!

She now weighs 21.3 lbs and is 29 inches long!

She still only has 4 teeth, but I think one or two are getting ready to pop through.

We spent some time in Myrtle Beach with family and have had family visit us as well.

Jae Lyn is so funny! She loves the beach and swimming pool! When I lift her onto the side of the pool she jumps into my arms and into the water! Swimming lessons are on the agenda for next summer, for sure!

We celebrated her first birthday on July 29 and she had a large time!

All our neighbors and local family members were there to sing to her – she wasn’t sure what was going on, but it didn’t take her long to figure out the cake!

We also celebrated our 12th anniversary this month and spent the night at Oak Island

Jae Lyn had a great time and so did we!

Enjoy the pictures!

Love you all!!

Steve, Patti & Jae Lyn

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