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September/October 2007

Hi everyone –

Sorry this update is a little late! We have had a very busy September/October!

Jae Lyn is, as usual, wonderful!

She had her first trip to the zoo and I think she had a great time other than the horse that licked her hand!

By the look on her face we are not sure what she thought about that!

I took her and Jessie to the North Carolina Spot Festival and we had a lot of fun! Jessie of course had to have her face painted, glitter and spray paint in her hair – the whole 9-yards! Jae Lyn wasn’t sure about the face painting and kept looking funny at Jessie!

Early October we suffered the loss of my Aunt and had to travel to PA for services. We were able to see family and cousins that we haven’t seen since June. My brother Johnny is in one of the photos holding Jae Lyn!

At almost 15 months old she is becoming her own little person! She shakes her head “no” when she doesn’t want a certain food or a certain anything!

Steve finally shaved off his mustache so he could get those sweet kisses from Jae Lyn – and she now will finally give him smooches right on the lips – he is thrilled, of course!

Below is a list of Jae Lyn’s most recent accomplishments!!

Walking (everywhere!!)
Getting into everything!!
Says Bye, bye-bye
Say Hi (with a very long southern draw!)
Throws her ball
Gives great kisses and hugs!
Says Mama, Dada

Our next update will be at the end of October – which I am sure will include our Halloween festivities and Jae Lyn dressed up for her very first Trick-or-Treat!!!

Until then, lots of love to you all!!


Steve, Patti & Baby Jae (a/k/a the cutest an best baby EVER!!)

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