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August 2007

Hi everyone!

Well, we officially survived (barely) our first month of full-time daycare!!

Coughs, runny noses, stomach viruses and pink eyes!! And I am not just talking about Jae Lyn!

Yeah, it was pretty miserable, but I think we have “turned a bend” – knock on wood!!

Jae Lyn is growing into her own little person and personality! She is funny, loving and never ceases to amaze us!

Steve and I still look at each other and just shake our heads in awe over this precious little girl. We still reminisce about our trip and our journey leading up to that trip and sometimes we can’t believe we’ve actually been through it all and now have this beautiful child who we love more than life!

She continues to learn and grow each day. She is not walking yet, but has taken a few steps – she’s still a little shaky on her feet!

Her new thing is when I am getting ready to feed her and she sees her food she say “Ummmm” very loudly!! Every bite she takes is followed by another “Ummmm”. It’s hysterical and we laugh every time!!

She FINALLY has said Mama, yes I am thrilled!

She continues to say Da-Da! She now says doggie, ball, bath and duckie…or something that sounds like doggie, ball, bath and duckie!! Hey, close enough for us!!

At her daycare she naps on a square mat – well, Maggie’s dog bed must look like her mat at school – so needless to say Jae will crawl over to Maggie’s bed with her teddy and lay down like she is going to sleep!! I know her Grammy would have a fit if she saw this!!!

Our neighbor Bonnie gave Jae Lyn her first official hair cut last night – it really looks cute! Bonnie swears that if we nipped off those uneven ends, Jae Lyn’s hair will grow in nice and thick!! I can’t wait to put two pig-tails on top of her head!!

The one picture you see is Jae giving her Daddy smooches through the glass door, cute, huh?

We are hoping to visit some friends in Virginia and do a trip to Pittsburgh this month or next, so I am sure I’ll have lots of new pictures to add to September and October’s update!

Well, I guess that’s all for now!

Love always,

Steve, Patti & Jae Lyn (a/k/a still the cutest baby ever!!!)

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