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We're Home
Coming Home
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WE'RE HOME !!!!!

Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates, but our last two days in China (May 22 and 23) we had no access to the internet! We left China on the 23rd and arrived in Wilmington on May 24. The trip home was pretty eventful!! After about 5 outfit changes due to exploding diarrhea – I realized that diluted apple juice was not the best choice for the baby on a 30 hour flight, but we survived! We arrived in Wilmington to a welcoming crowd! My Mom flew in from Pittsburgh to see her newest grandbaby (Jae Lyn makes #12), Steve’s sisters and my co-workers – what a great surprise! We have been home for one week now, and Jae has adjusted beautifully. She is a wonderful baby! Our pediatrician appointment went pretty smoothly, after blood work and shots (ouch!!). All of Jae’s lab work was perfect!! And were told we had a very healthy baby - Thank God.

We have come to realize that our Volvo SUV, is a might small and have started to research mini vans….yes, that word has passed over my lips – unbelievable! I can’t wait to hear the harassing already about that one! Ha, Ha !!

As Steve and I look back over the past weeks and recapture our experiences, in a way it seems like years ago! For everyone who is traveling or getting ready to travel, please “soak” it all in! Yes, the culture is different and yes, the food sometimes is not very desirable, but remember this is your child’s heritage, see it, feel it, taste – cherish it! The more you can experience, the more you can share with your son or daughter – no words could ever capture the emotions we experienced through this journey - what an awesome journey!!

Joe and Jen have made this journey even more special – updates were quickly posted and were perfect! (Thanks Joe & Jen!)

Check in with us over the next months for more updates!

Thanks for sharing this monumental chapter in our lives with us!

God Bless!

Steve, Patti & Jae Lyn

"Red Couch" Photo!

Yeah - L.A.....almost home!!

Jae & her Auntie Kathy

Home at last !!

Jae Lyn with her Grammy!!

Grammy, Mommy & Baby Jae!!

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