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We're Home
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January 2010

Our journey to Jae Lyn was a long and exciting one. This beautiful child was placed in our arms on Mother’s Day in Nanchang, China on May 13, 2007 after a long, almost 2 year wait. We have had the privilege of loving, nurturing, caring and teaching this beautiful child. That day changed our lives forever. She has blessed our lives in so many ways I couldn’t begin to list them all.

We have had Jae Lyn now for over 2-1/2 years. We celebrated our 2 year “Gotcha Day” on May 13, 2009. Placed in our arms at 9 ˝ months old, she is now a smart, witty, polite and loving 3 year old. She carries on conversations with us, lets us know when she is happy, sad, hurt, hungry, mad, etc. She knows about God, his love, animals, bugs, plants, seasons, rain, sunshine, snow, clouds and rainbows. She knows about family, friends, sharing and forgiving. She is counting, recites her ABC’s and loves to sing. She is a huge fan of Taylor Swift and sings and dances to her songs. She uses our laptop and goes to her programs by herself, clicking the mouse and navigating her way around each program or web site.

She loves to dance, loves to play games and make funny faces! She is full of love and tells us she loves us everyday. She has attended a Christian preschool since she was two years old and loves her friends and teachers. Over the summer Jae began to swim under water and is quite the little fish! She is now enrolled into tap, ballet and gymnastics and looks forward to her class each week. Every day is a gift. Sometimes I just look at her or while I am holding her just reflect back on how this beautiful child entered our lives.

We are closing our website, but our journey with Jae Lyn has really just begun. Thank you to everyone who supported us and loves us and who kept in touch with us while we were in China due to this awesome web site. A special thanks to Joe and Jen for this opportunity.

God Bless.

Steve, Patti & Jae Lyn Jones

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