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About Jae Lyn

On Monday March 5, 2007 I received the call from IFS. The “call” was completely unexpected. We were thinking it would the end of this week, not the first day of the week! Needless to say I went directly home so Steve and I could hear the details and see our baby’s face for the first time together. Words cannot even begin to describe the millions of emotions we felt at that time. “That time” was when WE became parents to the most precious, beautiful baby girl!

Chinese Name: Feng Xiao-Jie
Date of Birth: July 29, 2006
From: Feng Cheng Social Welfare Institute. (she has been in foster care since 2 days old!)
Province: Jiangxi Province
Health: Normal
Weight: 16.5 lbs (on 12/27/06)
Height: 25” (on 12/27/06)

She can do the following:

She can hold her head up when lying on her stomach

Grasp toys with both hands

Visually follow moving toys

Holds play blocks with both hands

Follows voices and sounds by moving her head

Laughs out loud (We love this one!!)

Knows her name and turns her head

She is fond of music and her toys

She will look for a toy if she drops it

She is ready with a smile

She is quick with reaction

She is a moderate sleeper

She can be impatient at times (that’s funny!)

She is closest with her caregiver

Update as of March 9, 2007
Jae Lyn is now 26.3” tall
She now weighs 19.4 lbs
Her foot is 3.9” long
Her head is 17” around
Her chest is 17.3” around
She now has one tooth !!!!

Updated as of 3/12/07
Here’s the latest on our cutie-pie!

She can sit.

She can walk with her hands being held

She can climb stairs

She sucks her fingers when she’s tired

She likes someone to be with her when she sleeps

Happy when someone plays with her.

She is outgoing and lively

She likes to play with toys that make sounds

Proud Mama and Daddy !!!

Doll house book shelf


Baskets of items for travel

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