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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

"Twas the week before Christmas
and all through our house
All the creatures were stirring.
No, we don't have a mouse!"

The suitcases were packed
in Anna's room with care,
In hopes that Friday
soon would be there.

The children were nestled all in Mom's bed, While visions of gifts danced in their heads. Mom in her Gator shirt and Dad in his UM cap Had too much to do to take any naps!"

After 110 days of waiting we got our travel approval and we will be on our way on Friday to pick up Miss Jia-Li from China! Please follow our daily postings and pictures, and let us know that you are "watching" by e-mailing or signing the guest book (you can sign it everyday if you want!)

For the world travelers out there, here is a partial list of things you need to have to travel to China for a 3 year old: 15 beautiful outfits, a leopard fur coat and matching hat, ski jackets gloves and scarfs (all newly purchased as our Florida girls have never owned a winter coat, Motrin, Childrens Motrin, sippy cups, inflatable headrests, inflatable beach ball, Tylenol, Tylenol PM, Nyquil, Dayquil, thermometer, toilet paper, Pepto Bismol, Theraflu, Airborne, Vitamins, Kids Vitamins, Chinese speaking doll, Chinese adoption guide book, several more pounds of paper work, pink cowgirl boots, 12 novels, Immodium, baby wipes, Pullups, Neosporin, Hello Kitty bandaids, ear medicine, eye medicine, Visine, Pedialyte, Kleenex, Hand Sanitzer, 2 laptops, 4 I Pods, 2 DS's, Game Boy Advance, activity books, Polaroid camera, 5 disposable cameras, 2 digital cameras, 1 Video camera, 8 gifts for orphanage workers and officials, Zicam, Benadryl, Journals, 3 lint rollers, wrinkle remover, goldfish crackers, granola bars, cup of soup, trashy magazines, Sports Illustrated, stuffed bear, magna doodle, pint-size backpack, board books, Chinese lullaby cd's , tiara, money belts, play-dough, little girl nail polish, crayons, coloring books, new money (they won't take it if its wrinkled), and maybe a few clothes--all in 4 suitcases weighing 45 pounds or less.

The last picture on this post is of all 4 of our "red threads" we have each been wearing these since last May while we waited. The following is an Ancient Chinese belief that is known throughout the Chinese adoption community:

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break."

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we embark on this amazing adventure! Special thanks to our friends at Walter C. Young Middle School and Plantation High School who have kept us sane and "hanging in there" these last few days. You guys are the best!

We love you all,

Lesa, Drew
Anna & Katie

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