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Friday, December 29, 2006

We have been finding it impossible to send email from Wuhan, but thank goodness we are back in Guangzhou tonight. It was a LONG and rough five days in Wuhan. We were the only westerners anywhere around and did not venture out of our hotel room without our interpreter.

We left today, and on the way we picked up Jia-Li's Chinese passport. She won't officially be a US citizen until our plane lands in Detroit.

Miss Jia-Li is nothing like she was described. She is very hard headed and definitely has a mind of her own. She eats everything in sight and goes like a little tornado. She is absolutely gorgeous, so much prettier that her pictures and very, very funny. Unfortunately she is still not warming up to me, which is very discouraging. Thanks everyone for the kind words of wisdom. I know I have to give her time, but it is hard.

Tonight we ate at the famous Lucy’s, which serves American food, and cold soda. There was nothing cold in Wuhan, which left us craving anything icy cold.

Tomorrow we take Jia-Li to get her Medical Examination at 8:30 a.m. This is very cursory and every child passes it, merely a formality.

Jia's hip displacement is a little more pronounced than we expected, but we knew that she would probably have to have some kind of therapy or surgery. The good part is that all pre-existing conditions for an adopted child are covered under our insurance.

We are counting the days until we are back in sunny South Florida. It will be a hard thing to get me to leave Broward County again for a while.

So tired, sorry I can't write more. Our little wild one has on her pj's, her light up sneakers and her back pack, we have no idea where she's headed other than bed.

Our beautiful big girls are thrilled to have found English language channels on the TV (there were none in Wuhan) so they are mesmerized. They have been soooooo wonderful with Jia on this very trying trip--tomorrow we shop!

Tonight I would like to thank God for my wonderful brother and sister-in-law Craig & Jenny and also Drew's brothers & sisters: Moira, Shelagh, Doug, Grant, Wayne and Shannon. We are blessed to have you all in our lives.

Mom and Jia-Li at bath time

Having a bath and actually enjoying it.

Jia-Li's first airplane ride.
And what a ride it was!!!!!!!!!!

Packing up in Wuhan and leaving for Guangzhou

Bath time

Getting ready for bed with Anna.

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