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Wednesday, January 3, 2007

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One nation,
Under God,
With liberty and justice for all.”

We are done! Today was Jia-Li’s swearing in ceremony as a US citizen. She travels on a Chinese passport/visa and when we go through customs in Detroit we hand over an official, sealed packet of papers and she is IN! The ceremony was closed, as you are not allowed to take any cameras or electronic devices into the American consulate. There were about 25 babies there all from our shuttle bus from the White Swan Hotel. Jia and her friend Maggie had little American flags and Jia was dressed in red, white and blue, she looked very cute.

Today Drew and the girls went to tour a beautiful topiary garden. I didn’t sleep well last night, so I stayed back at the hotel. I wish I went, as you will see from the pictures in looks pretty cool.

Tonight we had one last dinner with our friend Sharon and her sweet daughter Maggie; we went to eat Thai food. I ordered a whole fish, it was served all shiny, with the eyes and head, so I think this fulfills my promise to eat something “gross and disgusting.” I never saw the fried scorpions, which were my original wish.

After that Katie and I went shopping, just the two of us. We wanted some quality oldest daughter /Mom time. We bought Jia-Li several little Gymboree outfits for $4 each and real leather shoes for $4 too. Katie bought her Dad a bunch of cool China tee shirts.

Jia was pleased with her new clothes and put them all on at once. She gets very happy when she thinks she looks pretty.

Tonight I would like to thank the two lights of our lives—Katrina Hope Parnham and Marianna Elizabeth Parnham. Every day we share with them is a joy beyond description. These beautiful, intelligent young ladies were a true gift from God. One that we never take for granted. We are blessed, we are proud and we are so in love with our girls.

“Of all the rights of women,
the greatest is to be a mother.”
-Lin Yutang

Katie and Jia-Li at the topiary park.

Jia-Li enjoying a lollipop at the park.

Drew, Katie, Anna, Jia-Li our friend Sharon and her daughter Maggie and our awesome guide Nelson.

The Parnham girls posing at the topiary park

Jia-Li, Anna and Katie posing just before leaving for the consulate.
Jia is unhappy because she had to take off her sweater for the picture.

The beautiful Guangzhou Mosaiculture Exhibition

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