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January 24, 2007
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Summer 2007
We just cannot believe that one year has already flown by since
Gotcha Day! In 2007, we gave Chloe as much love and attention as
we could and took as many pictures of her as we could.
Chloe saw a lot of her extended family in 2007. There was a
snowbird visit from Grandpa Bob, one day per week at Grandma
Sheri’s (known as Nana), one trip to Kentucky, one trip to
Stuart, two trips to Disney, and many greats visits by family
and friends to our home.
Versace the cat is still at Nana’s, and all parties are content
with that arrangement. Chloe started out the year liking many
varieties of food, but has since gotten extremely picky. She
isn’t a big eater and has declared herself a vegetarian by her
refusal to eat meat.
She does enjoy our Saturday morning bagel routine at Starbucks
and Atlanta Bread in downtown St. Petersburg. She likes sesame
bagels with veggie cream cheese and tries our hazelnut
frappuccinos but fortunately isn’t crazy about them. She demands
a sip, tries it, squenches up her eyebrows, and says “cold”.
Her strong will applies to many areas other than food. She only
wears white socks, will refuse certain pajamas or shoes, and
demands to wear either her necklace that we intended for her to
wear many years from now or many strands of pastel bead
necklaces at the same time.
Chloe’s learning ability is amazing and very cute. A month ago
she spontaneously started counting street signs riding home from
Nana’s house and made it to ten. She now quickly counts to ten
and is working on getting to 20.
She calls Michelle “Mama” and Neil “Dada”. She calls anything
else that is large a Mama or Dada, and anything smaller is a
Baby. She also likes to say the names Papa, Nana, and Nick. Her
first and only sign language word was “more”, by saying the word
and putting her little fingers together. We’re proud that she
currently is saying “please” and “thank you”. Her vocabulary is
currently at least 100 words, and she is starting to form little
sentences. She loves to talk!
She knows all her alphabet but doesn’t recite it by herself yet.
Aunt Kiersten gave her a picture book for her first birthday,
and that has helped her tremendously. She is especially good at
identifying animals, foods, colors, and household items.
Chloe’s first favorite color was green and we like to hear her
say orange, which is “o gee.” She currently enjoys identifying
as many circles as she can, saying “circle” and “round”. Her
favorite pink item is still her blanket that she got in China.
She calls it her “bee gee”. Our little baby who had very little
hair on Gotcha Day has become a little girl who has already had
three haircuts and loves to wear hair bows.

Gotcha Day January 11, 2007

Father’s Day

Saturday morning bagels

Visiting Uncle Nick at Stetson |

Playroom fun

Baptism day with Godparents

Mother’s Day

Beach Beauty

First Time at Beach

Disney’s Boardwalk Hotel

4th of July in Kentucky

Deep Thoughts in Bikini
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