We're Home
January 24, 2007
| February
25, 2007 |
Summer 2007 |
Autumn 2007
| Christmas
January 24, 2007
We awoke at 5 a.m. in Guangzhou for the start of an incredibly
long day. Jocelyn from CCAI met us in the hotel lobby to escort
us on a long, dark, cold van ride to the airport. We took a
short flight back to Hong Kong, and enjoyed that nice airport
again briefly. Then we boarded our Continental flight to Newark,
New Jersey.
Upon arrival in New Jersey, Chloe officially became a US
citizen! After going through Customs, we boarded our plane and
arrived in Tampa around 8 p.m. Wednesday evening. We were
happily greeted by Grandma Sheri, Cynthia, her daughter Amaya,
and Kip and Treena, who are anxiously and cheerfully waiting to
adopt their daughter from China.
Chloe did very well on all the flights and seemed happy to see
her new home. She even played for a while in her new nursery
before we all went to bed around 11 p.m. It was still Wednesday,
roughly 30 hours after we started our morning in China. Our
amazing long journey was finally over and now a new one begins.

Carry On Luggage in Hong Kong

Home at Last!

Meeting Grandma

Welcome Home Party

This room makes me Happy! |

Oh Boy, What a Day! |
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