About Us
We are Michelle and Neil.
We love the story about how we met. I first saw Michelle on
Friday, April 25, 1997. She was standing with another group of
people in the beautiful paddock area at Keeneland in Lexington,
Kentucky. I did not have a chance to introduce myself to her.
Later that day, I saw her again at an outdoor restaurant in
Lexington. This time, we actually spoke to each other briefly
from separate tables, but she eventually departed with her
group. I thought to myself that I may not see her again.
The following Friday, May 2, 1997, I went out with my friends to
an artsy neighborhood called Mt. Adams, high on a hill
overlooking downtown Cincinnati, about 1.5 hours north of
We were heading to the Cincinnati Art Museum for their Friday
night social. This was basically a gathering of young, single
professionals in a unique setting. It was a rainy spring
As my friends and I walked up to the imposing entrance to the
museum in the rain, I noticed two young ladies with their
umbrellas walking just ahead of us. I admired that they were
smart enough to carry umbrellas, since we weren’t.
When we finally reached the front entrance, the two young ladies
paused to close their umbrellas. Meanwhile, I waited to open the
door for them. The instant that she closed her umbrella and
looked up, I realized it was the beautiful girl that I had seen
last Friday in Lexington, and I said “I can’t believe it’s you!”
Since I remember faces very well, this was my cinematic
reaction. However, I learned later that it took Michelle several
moments to remember who I was! She finally did, and I made sure
that I introduced myself to her this time.
I asked Michelle to marry me in front of the entrance to the
Cincinnati Art Museum on Friday, November 13, 1998.
Michelle’s Family
My parents are Jim and Sheri and my stepmother is Chris. My
younger siblings are Nick, Andres, and Maria. Andres’ wife is
Lindsay. We have a Himalayan cat named Versace.
We are very close to all of my family and are lucky to have my
mom living close to us, with everyone else in Stuart, Florida.
My parents are Bob and Sue and my brother is Mark. Mark and his
wife Kiersten have four sons, Garrett, Nathan, Gabriel, and
Mom passed away in 1996. Mom and Michelle are the most
beautiful, intelligent, loving, and charismatic women that I
We have a host of angels looking down on us from Heaven. We
firmly believe that they (especially Sue, Grandma Betty, and
Aunt Gracie) were the divine matchmakers for Michelle and Neil,
and searched the globe to find us Chloe. |

Mom, Grandma Betty & Michelle

Family Celebration

Lindsay & Andres at Jupiter Beach

Mom and her boys

Mark’s Ohio State MBA |