crying, and more crying…
then a little laugh
November 29, 2005
Happy Birthday, Granddad!!!!
Today started out pretty tough… Although I'm happy to
report that
JacJac slept through the night (from 7:30pm to 7:00am), when
awoke this morning she took one look at us and started
again. Her thought process seemed to be something like: "Oh
man, you
people are still here? I thought it was all a bad dream!!"
eventually calmed down after we all got dressed and went
down for
The rest of the morning and into the afternoon was on and
crying. JacJac definitely does not like being in our hotel
Every time we come in she immediately begins whimpering
which turns <
into a wail if we stay in for longer than five minutes.
Nothing in
the room entertains her; not toys, food or even Elmo
Instead, she wants to be outside or down in the hotel lobby
TIME. The only way we have been able to get her to take a
nap has <
been by lugging her around in the baby-carrier or backpack
while she
sleeps. The minute we take her out, she wakes up. Kevin
and I
should have some pretty developed calf muscles by the time
we get
I can also safely announce that JacJac is definitely a
Crouch child.
She ONLY wants to be around Kevin and will only go to me as
a last
resort (and only after much crying and if Kevin is no where
to be
seen). It has taken JacJac a day and a half to figure out
what Bekah
and Logan have known for years: Daddy is the best play-buddy
in the
world!! Even though she is still quite a bit traumatized by
whole adoption thing, she has latched on to Kevin and is
definitely a
Daddy's girl.
By later this afternoon, our precious girl was getting a
little bit
more independent. Instead of being carried around with her
around our necks (or, I should really say, Kevin's neck),
she was
willing to face forward and make eye contact with other
people. And,
by dinner-time she was even walking by herself, just holding
our hand
(or, I should really say, Kevin's hand). We're delighted
that she is
starting to feel more confident and know it will only be a
matter of
time before we're chasing her around rather than carrying
her around.
When it comes to me, she is definitely a stinker. If I
start coming
near her, she waves bye-bye to Kevin to try to get him to
leave with
her. When we are eating, she offers all her food to Kevin,
pretends like she's going to offer me some before snatching
back at
the last second. And this evening we were walking though a
park and
Kevin was holding JacJac's hand as she walked. I tried to
hold the
other one, but she started crying and snatched her hand
away. So I
went to the other side of Kevin to walk. When JacJac saw I
holding his hand, she began crying again. When I let go,
stopped. A few minutes later when I held Kevin's hand
again, she
began crying again. Again, when I let go, she stopped. She
the rest of the walk glancing at our hands every few minutes
to make
sure we weren't touching. Like I said, she's a stinker.
definitely a Crouch child.
Finally, this evening the moment both Kevin and I had been
for since we got JacJac came: she laughed. We were in a
little shop
called Michael's Place (thanks Cheryl!) and JacJac saw a
ornament hanging from the ceiling. She loved it and it's
She kept smiling as she played with it. Then she bonked
Kevin on the
head with it and let out a big giggle! It was the most
sound we've ever heard. Needless to say, we are the proud
owners of
a new wall ornament; one that we'll never forget.
We are confident that tomorrow will be even better than
today in
terms of adjustment. Everything we've read and stories
we've heard
from others who have adopted agree that usually the third
day is
the "magic" day. Hopefully we will find the same thing to
be true
and have lots more laughing and lots less tears tomorrow!
Thank you for your continued prayers and emails. We are
able to
receive emails, but are having problems sending them so are
not able
to answer. But thanks for the encouragement; it really
keeps our
spirits up!!
Kevin & Janie

Happy Birthday,
Granddad! We love you. JacJac was very sad that she couldn't
be with you on your birthday.
That's why she's crying.

Not interested in being in the hotel room…

Nap time in the backpack. Kevin is getting quite a workout
walking her around the hotel and surrounding area.

JacJac only wants to be around Mommy when Daddy isn't
nearby. Kevin had to hide in the bushes to take this

The famous tassel that brought out the first smiles and