Welcome to Hong Kong!
November 24-25
Well, we made it to Hong Kong! Our trip
actually started Wednesday night. We said a tearful goodbye
to the kids and Mimi and Granddad in Savannah and then drove
to Atlanta to stay the night (PS – thanks to Mike and Terri
for lending us the wonderful “hotel” room for the evening!).
We were so excited that it was difficult to sleep, but we
finally hit the sack at 1:00am.
Bright and early on Thanksgiving morning
we headed for the Atlanta airport. 7:00am is too early to be
awake on Thanksgiving! We made it to the airport with only a
minor delay (we forgot to fill the rental car’s tank, so we
had to go back out and do so). Everything was going smoothly
until we got to the airport terminal. There we saw that the
line to get through security was backed all the way around
baggage claim! Even though we still had two hours to go
before our flight, Kevin and I both got a bit panicked. We
hurried to check in so we could get in the security line.
Fortunately, just as we were getting in the back of the line,
a security agent came over and announced a new line being
formed with no waiting. So, praise God, we made it through
security with plenty of time to spare!
Getting to China is a long process, to
say the least. We flew from Atlanta to Detroit (2 hours),
then Detroit to Tokyo (13 hours), and finally Tokyo to Hong
Kong (5 hours). As some of you know, I am a pretty nervous
flyer, but I have to say these were some of the best flights I
have ever been on. The 13-hour flight from Detroit to Tokyo
was only half full, so Kevin and I both had three seats to
ourselves!! Thirteen hours goes much more quickly when you
sleep 8 hours of it! Also, to any of you may be planning a
long trip in the future, two crucial items: “No Jet Lag” pills
and “Airborne”. Both were awesome for us. Even though we
traveled over 30 hours and a dozen different time zones, we
still slept through the night when we got to Hong Kong and
have felt great our whole trip.
Already we miss Bekah and Logan, but we
truly appreciate everyone’s prayers and emails. Only two more
days until we get JacJac!
Much love,
Kevin & Janie

The beginning of a life-changing
Ready to board, heading for Tokyo
The only way to fly!