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Final Update

Well, this is it, our final posting. As of May 28th, JacJac has officially been a part of our family for six months. And what a six months it has been! We continue to marvel how God has blessed us and how well she fits into our family!! If it weren’t for her dark hair and almond-shaped eyes, no one would ever know that that she wasn’t one of our biological kids.

Over the last two months we’ve seen quite a change in Logan and JacJac’s relationship. Although they still fight, they’ve really grown to love each other also. They’re very protective of one another. It’s okay for them to yell at each other, but nobody else better! We are delighted to see them grow closer. And, it makes living in this house much easier!

JacJac turned two on June 1st. We celebrated by having a birthday party at the most American place ever: Chuck E. Cheese! We started out inviting a small number of people, but kept inviting more and more, so on the night of the party we ended up with 18 kids!! It was crazy to say the least, but JacJac really enjoyed herself.

JacJac continues to love Mommy and Daddy equally. Although a part of Kevin mourned losing JacJac’s undivided attention, he was glad to share in the responsibility of holding her all the time. :-) She does still love to be held which we don’t mind. But every week we can see her becoming a little more independent and sure of herself. She won’t be a baby much longer (but she’ll always be our baby)!

Thank you all so much for joining in this journey with us. JacJac has blessed our lives beyond measure and we have been delighted to share our story!

Is this a Crouch kid or what?!?

Having fun at tumble tots class…

Logan and JacJac have become best of friends.

The whole family at Easter.

JacJac’s birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese

Our beautiful baby girl

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