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January Update

Finally the Crouch family seems to have settled into a routine, thank goodness! After the Christmas break, Logan and Bekah returned to school and Janie returned to working part time. JacJac adjusted to her two mornings a week with the babysitter just fine. She loves Aunt Stephanie (of course, everyone loves Aunt Stephanie!) and enjoys spending time at her house while mom is at work.

JacJac has had multiple doctors appointments since we've been back. She's had all her shots updated and a battery of bloodwork done. She's been to an optometrist due to concerns about a possible lazy eye, but it was nothing. She's also been to an audiologist for a hearing test and a craniofacial surgeon about her cleft lip repair. The craniofacial surgeon said the doctors in China did a very good job of JacJac's lip repair. He said the scar would continue to fade over time and that her lip had a good shape, which is very important. He suggested surgery for the inside of her upper lip because of amount of scar tissue there. That surgery has been scheduled for March 22nd. We'll be sure to keep you updated. Meanwhile, JacJac currently hates all doctors and starts screaming when one comes near her. But after being poked and prodded as much as she has in the last six weeks, I don't blame her.

At the end of January, we took our first family trip together. We all flew to Palm Springs, CA for Janie's grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. Traveling with three children ages five and under was... exciting, but we made it. We were able to take JacJac into her first swimming pool and, of course, she loved it! The entire trip was great and JacJac got to meet the rest of her extended family.

And I am glad to report that JacJac is finally starting to love Mom a little more. We were shocked the other day when she got down from Kevin's lap and came and sat on Janie's lap on her own accord! Since then, she has wanted Janie just as much as Kevin, much to Kevin's relief. Unfortunately, Janie has already pulled her back out carrying JacJac around... Oh the joy of a 1 1/2 year old!

More next month!

JacJac hanging out at home

She loves hats and shoes

On the plane to Palm Springs with Mimi

Meeting all of the King side of the family

JacJac, Bekah and Logan with their great-grandparents

They all loved the pool!

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