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In China
March 1 
|  Gotcha Day!  |  March 3  |  March 4  |  March 6  |  March 7  |  March 8  |  March 9

Our travel dates are February 27th through March 11th. Gotcha Day is March 2 at 9am. We will arrive in Hangzhou on Feb 28th at about 9 pm. We stay from Feb 28th thru March 6th, then fly to Guangzhou until the 11th. We head home at 8 am on the 11th and arrive back home at around 9:15 pm in Cincinnati on the 11th.


Mar. 2
- Gotcha Day!
Meet Micah at 9 AM.

Mar. 3 - do adoption registration at 9 AM, then notarization and go applying for a passport.

Mar. 4 - visit Hangzhou Welfare Institute.

Mar. 5 - get notary books.

Mar. 6 - get passport and fly to Guangzhou.

Mar. 7 - clinic appointment. Filling in forms for visa.

Mar. 9 - consulate appointment at 9 AM.

Mar. 10 - swearing in.

Mar. 11 - departure.

We are scheduled to travel with 6 other families and 3 are from Ohio, 2 others are from Cincinnati! We can’t wait to join up with FCC in the Cincinnati and meet others who have adopted children from China as well. Everywhere we go we see someone who has been adopted from china or an Asian country lately. It's been great to hear everyone’s stories. We can’t wait to bring him home. Hope is so thrilled to finally have someone else around the house her age. She is 7 but loves the idea of a little brother. Rachael and Hope will both be traveling with us to China. Please be praying for our travel to be safe and without complications.

Update: Rachael could not travel with us due to a car accident a month ago that has her in a back brace for 2 more months. We will really miss her being with us.

Micah 6:8 (NIV) He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.


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