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Trip to China
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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hi everyone!

Today was another rainy day so no hotel pool for us...yet.

After breakfast, and a nap, we took the baby on a very long stroll all around Shamian Island and Shamian Park . We found a cute boutique for children's clothes and of course, bought Jae Lyn about 6 outfits, shoes, socks and hair clippies.

After shopping we stopped at Lucy's for some American cuisine! Cheeseburgers!

There are a lot of families here finishing up their trips with their babies. We have met people from Pennsylvania , Kansas , Canada , etc. Everyone loves the White Swan and their 5-star accommodations! (They even have employees who stand at the elevators and push the buttons for us then direct us to our room!!)

We received our "Going Home" Barbie yesterday. Mattel makes this doll exclusively for The White Swan Hotel. The Barbie is given to all family who have adopted a child and that are staying in the hotel. It's a blonde Barbie (Mom) holding an Asian baby, very cute!

This evening we went to Lucy's for a steak dinner - very good! Lucy's has been a salvation us! They serve Western food - YEAH!!!

We are looking forward to Wednesday, May 23. That is when we begin our journey home. Should be fun with a whole airplane full of babies on a 14-½ hour flight!! (Yikes!)

Everyone has said they are addicted to the site and really enjoy following our journey and seeing the pictures. Well, same goes for us! Steve and I read our guest book every day, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. We love to check the guest book and read everyone's comments. It is so nice to read entries by our family and friends - makes us feel a little closer than 7,000 miles away!! Keep the entries coming and we will keep updating!! Our last update will be the 23rd (Wednesday). That will be Tuesday for you at home!! Enjoy the pictures and we will see you all very soon!!

With love, from China,
Steve, Patti & Jae Lyn

Sleeping Beauty !!

I'm up!

Patti & Baby Jae out on a walk!

Bath time!

New outfits from our shopping spree!


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