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Trip to China
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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hi Everyone!

Today was great! Woke up at The White Swan and had a gourmet breakfast...finally!

Jae loved her french toast and fruit! Her medical exam was at 9:30 this morning. There were three parts to her exam. Room#1, heart beat. Measurements. Room#2, weight. Room#3, Music class...oops, I mean a hearing test!! Pretty funny. They had a child's electric keyboard toy that played "Dashing through the Snow" Squeaky toys near each ear, a look inside each ear and a tung depressor in her mouth and we were good-to-go!! Jae Lyn never flinched! All the other babies were screaming, not her!! She was in a great mood all day. It rained today, so her schedule was pretty much on track because we didn't go out until dinner time. We went to Lucy's with John, Gale & Emily. We ordered Mexican! The food was very good. Jae had a bowl of mashed potatoes and chicken noodle soup! After dinner we shopped, and shopped! We bought Jae Lyn traditional Chinese slippers another pair of pj's (pink) and a gift for Caroline (sliver charm in Chinese that say's "sister")

Today we realized that the Teddy bear Jae Lyn has been so attached to is the bear that arrived in the package that ordered a month or so ago - she loves her bear! We dropped off two disposable cameras today given to us from her caretakers. We are having copies printed, plus put on CD, so hopefully I'll have those for tomorrow's update.

Can everyone please say a prayer for my Grandma tonight. She is now in a nursing home and is having a hard time adjusting. My Mom and Aunt are having a very hard time with this, but we all know it's time and its the best for Grandma and her care and safety. Thanks!

Happy birthday Rachel!!

With love, from China!

Patti, Steve & Jae Lyn

Our sweetie!

Jae Lyn waiting for her medical exam

The new "Jones Family"!!

Mama and baby!!
(Check out my sneakers!)

Our friends from the local gift shop!

View of Pearl River, boats &
lights - very cool!!

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