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Trip to China
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Friday, May 18, 2007

Nee Hao!!

We made it back to Guangzhou - hurray!!

Friday I stayed in the room in Nanchang and packed while Steve & Peter when to pick up Jae Lyn's passport and visa - it's funny to see her little face on her passport with her pink bow on top of her head!
We left Nanchang around 3pm and headed to the airport. Our flight left a little late, but Jae was a real trooper. Upon take off she had a biscuit, washed it down with a little bottle of formula and she fell asleep for the entire hour we were in the air. I put her in my carrier for the first time yesterday and she loved it (Thank God!)

We checked into the White Swan around 9pm. We gave Peter the last of our documents - we'll meet up with him Saturday AM for Jae Lyn's medical exam. We ordered big ol' hamburgers w/cheese and fries and quickly were asleep in no time. Hopefully her exam will be pretty painless - and she will be in a good mood for shopping with Mommy for the rest of the day. We may even check out the pool later on so tune in for some Jae Lyn-bikini photos!!!

Steve Jones has been the most terrific Daddy to this little girl - it's unreal! I love to watch him react to her expressions or when she puts her hands to his lips to feel his mustache! Yesterday he was awesome, helping me the whole time - bottles, diapers, toys...you name it - he did it!! When he walks into the room she shrieks and giggles - if he walks away, she will twist and turn to try to see him, it's precious.

Oh, when we checked into the room last night Steve upgraded us to river front - it's great. We have a huge window and can see the laser shows, all the lights on the buildings and the beautiful boats all lit up with bright neon. Jae loved it!! It was funny when we first got to the room we were so glad to be back in Guangzhou even Jae was!!! We put her on the bed with some toys and she was jumping, bouncing and giggling!! Yes, Jae Lyn - we're not in Kansas any more .....Hello Beverly Hills!!!!!!!

Well - it's actually Saturday morning here and I need to get her ready for the day. I'll post Saturday's happenings later on tonight.

Love & Miss you all!!!

Grammy - only 5 more days until you see your newest grandbaby!!!!!!!

Thanks to Carmella, my sister, who is in Pittsburgh diligently working on our favors for Jae Lyn's luncheon in Pittsburgh. They are beautiful!!!


Jae & her Da-Da!!

Eating breakfast

Jae's first airplane ride!!

Jae Lyn glad to be at The White Swan Hotel!!

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