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Trip to China
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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Greetings from China Everyone!!!

Sorry about my lazy update on the 16th - we were tired!! Hope everyone liked the pictures.

Today Steve and John went with Peter, our guide, to apply for the baby's visas. I stayed with Jae and Gale stayed with Emily. After they got back, Steve said Peter took them to a huge department store and Steve said the baby section was the largest he has ever seen....figures!! He was actually on a mission to find bibs for the baby. I didn't take alot of the disposable bibs with me when we left Guangzhou, so I ran out. We actually left a whole suit case at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou. We'll get it tomorrow when we fly out of here and return to Guangzhou - can't wait!! The White Swan has a gorgeous outside pool that has my name written all over it!! Steve also came back with Pizza Hut pizzas for lunch !!!!

I was ecstatic! This was our first taste of American food since we left Guangzhou - we were all ready for it! Jae Lyn even had some of the crust, and I think she enjoyed it!! She is one eating machine!! She holds her own bottle, drinks from a sippy cup and picks up her food with her left hand and places it in her right hand and then to her mouth!!! She's a genius!! She doesn't sit up by herself very well, but yesterday she rolled over.

Gale and I met Peter in his room at 3pm today and had about two hours worth of paper work to complete for the American Consulate appointment for next week.

Tonight we are staying in. Steve ordered us something for dinner, not sure what yet..

Tomorrow (Friday) our flight leaves Nanchang around 5:30 pm and we should be at the White Swan around 8pm. Saturday is Jae's medical appointment, which I am sure she will pass with flying colors!! Sunday and Monday will be free days. Tuesday Peter will take the baby's information to the US Consulate. Wednesday we will go to the Consulate and Jae will be sworn in a as a U.S. Citizen - then it's off to the airport and head back to the US!! We'll post each day that we are here so everyone at home can follow along and see photos of Jae Lyn. That's all for now!! Love you all! Take care!!

With Love, from China,
Patti, Steve and Jae Lyn (a/k/a the cutest baby in the world!!)

Hallelujah for Pizza Hut!!!

She's a Princess, alright !!

Jae Lyn and her "Ba Ba"
(Daddy in Chinese!)

Breakfast time!

Peter & Jae Lyn at Breakfast

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