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In China
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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Not much to report today other than we have Faith's Visa/Passport in hand. Most of the pictures are from last night at the Pearl River cruise and the last two are from dinner tonight!

We tried to go on an adventure today but Hope had other plans and made it hard for us. We took the subway to the Garden Hotel and walked around. Unfortunately the Garden area was closed and we were not able to visit it. We then walked around trying to locate a Mexican Restaurant and had no luck finding it. So we walked through a very fancy shopping mall and decided it was then best to head back because Hope started acting up. On the subway she started hitting her dad and a lady told her No and she started crying and wouldn't stop. Luckily we only had one more stop. We then headed back and we all took a much needed nap. After waking we decided to check out the play area but then it down poured and we had to come in. We ended the night with dinner at the middle eastern restaurant and a bath for the girls which they love! One more full day here and then we head home! Faith is amazing! She is so stinking cute and smart. She can copy almost any English word. She says " I love you", " Come on" "Hi" , "bye bye" . She still talks away in Chinese and we wish we knew what she was saying. She has been eating more and more each day and I can see her already changing before our eyes!

Thank you all who have follow our journey! Adoption is a hard but beautiful thing! God calls us to Love the Orphans! This next Sunday is Orphan Sunday and hopefully we will feel good enough to attend our church to celebrate and hear stories of others who have adopted or are adopted themselves! Once again we love your comments! If you haven't commented please do!


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