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In China
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

We don't have many pictures from today as it was our Consulate appointment and you are not allowed to bring anything to the appointment. We took the oath and tomorrow we will receive the last piece for us to complete our journey here.

We are ready to come home but we still have two more full days here. It's been an adventure this trip and I can't thank Elaine enough for coming along and helping us out because really there was no way we could have done it without her here. Hope had a rough night last night and a rough morning but is doing better today. Yiyi is just a happy girl until it's time to eat she will start crying until she is fed.

Tonight we will go on the dinner cruise and then tomorrow have two free days to explore before we start our long journey home. We miss our kids so much and are so thankful for the care they have received back home from their grandparents. We love you guys and can't wait to hug you!

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