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In China
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Monday, October 26, 2015

 Today we headed out to the Safari Park. We learned that we could get there by subway so we decided to give it a try. We went along with another Holt family. We went from Line 2, to Line 8 to line 3. Got off and took a short shuttle ride to the Safari. It was again amazing and we seen animals we hadn't see the other two times. We rode the safari train again and visited the Panda triplets who have grown a bunch since last year. We headed back around 330 and went straight to our favorite noodle shop for dinner.

Tomorrow is the consulate appointment first thing in the morning. This is the last part of the adoption process. We have three more full days left in China and then we are headed Home sweet Home! We have enjoyed our time in China but are so happy to be near the end of the long road.

Thank you all for the comments! We love reading them. If you haven't left a message we would love to hear from you!

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