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About Faith


Faith YiYi

28 months


Story: If you would have told me a year ago as we were preparing for travel for Hope that we would be doing the same thing again a year later I would have told you that you were crazy. But God has a way with things and boy was he at work with this adoption.

Two months after we returned home from China with Hope I decided to check into the idea of reusing our dossier. I knew our agency had certain rules about this and I wanted to get more information on it. So after a simple email I got my questions answered. This biggest problem we were facing was that we couldn’t adopt out of birth order and the child has to be a special focus child. That means she needed to be younger than Hope who was already pretty young and we would have to find her on our agencies photolisting. So that very day I thought I would just check, you know so innocently just look, like I had so many times before. I clicked the 0-4 tab and there she was, staring back at me. I read the quick description of her and her age. She was young, exactly six months younger than Hope! So I took a screen shot and texted it to Steve. I was shocked at his response, she’s cute he says, but why are you sending me this.

So there it all began. I sent an inquiry to our agency for her file and then called. I was told then that many other families were reviewing her file. We also didn’t get the response we wanted from our social worker in fact I think she was in shock herself. So after completing the questions she wanted answered we finally gained access to her file. She was in a foster family, from Hope’s same SWI. She had a form of dwarfism and she was oh so adorable. We were in LOVE. But we knew it was still a long shot. So we sent our response back and waited to hear. That Friday we were told that we were now the only family interested and we had the three day holiday weekend to decide.

Monday was Martin Luther King. We went back and forth, the emotions were high . We needed to make sure this was really the best for our family. In the end I told Steve it was on him. Whatever he decided I was ok with. Because everyone knew what my answer was. And so I waited. Then that Monday the day before we needed the answer Steve called me from work. He said, she’s ours! And you know what else her name is Faith. He had heard God speaking several times to him that day. This quote from Martin Luther King was what did it for him:

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

So there you have it! Our crazy whirlwind of an adoption! We waited longer this time to tell everyone the news. I wanted to make it special. So we had my cousin design some shirts for the big reveal!

So what do we know about Faith so far? She’s tiny tiny. She’s just over two years old and the size of a nine month old. She doesn’t let it slow her down and has been walking earlier than most children with dwarfism. She lives with a foster family in the same city that Hope was born in. She has a foster brother that is a year older and available for adoption along with his twin brother. She seems to be happy and loving. We can’t wait to have her in our hands!

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