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We're Home
April 2016
  |  October 2016

April 2016

I’m so sorry that I took so long to update. Life has been busy with six kids and both of us working.

We returned home on 10/30 to a welcome committee! It was so good to see our other kids again.

The next day was Halloween and Yiyi was not ready to venture out so Steve stayed home with her while I took the other kids trick or treating. We had the month of November off as a family. Then both Steve and I returned to work the beginning of December. So much has happened in the last six months.

She has: Celebrated Halloween, Thanksgiving, Met extended family, Went to the doctor, went to a specialist, visited the dentist, had a welcome home party, celebrated Hope’s 3rd Birthday, Sat on Santa’s lap, Celebrate Christmas and the New year, Went to siblings sporting events, Started a dance class, had her first professional pictures done, Celebrated Easter, seen the snow, went swimming, went to the aquarium and the zoo and many more firsts!

She’s had several doctor appointments over the last six months and we are really no closer to a diagnosis now than when we came home. They excluded skeletal dysplasia from her xrays which were normal. She has also seen an Endocrinologist that performed a few other tests that also resulted a negative diagnosis. She really hasn’t grown much in the last six months other than maybe a half an inch and gained a couple pounds. The Endocrinologist said that she is about the size of a 10 month old and she’s almost three.

Some of the things we have learned about her in the last six months: She’s super smart, she speaks in complete English sentences now and last I counted could say around ten words in a row. She is easy going and calm. She can sit for hours just playing by herself or with her siblings. Her and Hope went through a rough spell just after getting home, but now I can finally say they get along most of the time. I love hearing their conversations and exchanges, they really love each other. She still goes by her Chinese name Yiyi, we have tried to use her new name more but for now are just sticking to what she’s comfortable with. She’s been potty trained since we got her. We thought it was too good to be true but she has been amazing with this. She was initially close to Steve but has recently become a mama’s girl.

She has been a complete blessing to our family and we cannot imagine our family without her as she fits so perfectly. The boys adore her along with her older sister. I literally kiss her a hundred times a day because she is just so precious! We thank God that we heard his calling for us to bring another child into our family so soon after Hope, because we could have very easily have said No our hands were full. Adoption has truly been the most Amazing life changing thing we have ever done and if you’re reading this today and are contemplating adoption I would tell you don’t miss out on the greatest Joy you could ever imagine!

I will try and update one last time at one year home!

We have a family blog that I’m not so good at updating lately but you can follow the latest there at
First Thanksgiving

First trip to the Aquarium

Christmas Morning a little overwhelmed

Girls in matching pajamas

Yiyi dressed up as
Minnie mouse her favorite character


The girls kissing Yiyi

Fun at the park

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