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We're Home
April 2016  |  October 2016

October 2016

Wow,  how this year has flown by. Having six kids and two of them three year olds keeps you super busy.

Since Yiyi's six month update a lot has happened. We have seen several more doctors and are still nowhere near a diagnosis or reason for why she is so tiny. She is up to 20lbs but still measures 29inches. We will see a geneticist next month. Even though she is tiny she is super healthy.

She has been a busy girl with dance classes and her first recital. Then she had her first birthday with her family. She chose to have a mickey mouse club house party. In July we went to Disney World which she loved. We had a fun time with family.

In August we went on some road trips and visited my Aunt in California. She also started preschool this fall and is going three days a week. They are all amazed at how well she does.

As far as her personality she is a calm, happy girl. She can sit and play anything for hours and even entertain herself. She's a puzzle wiz and loves singing songs! She has a good appetite but is still quite picky. She is a good sleeper and now sleeps in a room with Hope all night. She is very loving and loves to tell us she loves us which totally melts our hearts. She is now equally fine with mom and dad. She loves her siblings and you can find one of them carrying her around most of the time. she is very independent and loves to figure things out. She is excited about Halloween coming up and being able to dress up this year.

We love this little girl to pieces and can't wait to see what the years bring for her!


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