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In China
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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Today was a free day. So we decided to head off to Shamian island. We rode the subway system again like we did last trip. It's really pretty easy. Luckily we had Elaine with us because it's impossible to carry two strollers and two kids. We walked around the island. White Swan is officially open again so we were able to go in side and get a picture in front of the same waterfall we got a picture with Zoe. We then ate at Lucy's which is an American restaurant. I ordered a grilled cheese, Elaine a peanut butter and jelly, and Steve a Chinese plate. We finished walking and shopping on the island and then walked through the medicine market and pet market. We walked a lot today and the kids were troopers.

Faith's personality is coming out more and more each day. She is mostly a happy little girl but will let you when she wants something. She talks away in Chinese. The other two girls never did this. She doesn't understand why we don't understand her. She's picking up English fast. She has said, "I Love you", Let's go, One two" she likes to copy whatever we say. She is super smart and I know will pick up English fast. Hope has been doing good with her but always wants what Yiyi has and has learned not to take it away because she will get bit.

Tomorrow we are venturing off via subway to the Safari, wish us luck!

Conor, Parker, Zoe and Chase we miss you all so much! 5 more days and we will be home! Thank you everyone that has helped with the kids it has meant a lot to us.


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