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In China
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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Last night was a late night. We didn't get to the hotel until after 10pm and then had to be ready by 9:30 in the morning.

We had a great breakfast with more American options. Then it was off to the medical appointment. They first got their visa photo taken and boy were they cute! Then they had to move through four different stations. First was weight and height, she didn't like this. Then was the ENT, she didn't like this either. Last was the doctor who checked her over and she was so calm with him until he started pressing on her stomach. Last was the blood work. They had to take her in a separate room to get the blood work done without us. She was so sad afterwards but perked up pretty quickly. We spent the rest of the afternoon low key with a trip to the play area and a short walk after I finished some paperwork up.

Tomorrow we will be going to explore around Shamian Island. We are all ready to be home. Six more days!

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