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In China
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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Today was a tour day. We had a little more time to get ready this morning. Faith had a hard day yesterday but today seems much happier and even ate quite a bit at Breakfast and lunch. We met our guide at 930 am in the lobby.

First stop was Yellow crane tower. This tower was rebuilt in the 1980s but has a long history before that, being rebuilt more than seven times. We had a hard climb to the top of the tower. Hope wanted me so I carried her in the front pack up to the top. The view was amazing! We lost Elaine on the way down and our guide went to find her. She was smart and stopped where we lost her so the guide found her in no time.

Then it was off to another great group lunch. Again lots and lots of food. Faith loved the rice this time and ate more than we seen her eat all week.

Last stop was East lake. It's one of the largest lakes in China. We seen Lotus flowers in the water. The park is beautiful. We stopped and got an ice cream on our way through and Faith had her first taste. She wasn't sure if she liked it at first but then wanted to hold it. The day ended with adoption paperwork.

Tomorrow is a travel day and I may not get to post. We will leave in the evening for Guangzhou. Can't wait for this last part of our journey!

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