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In China
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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Today was our last full day in China. We said goodbye to the families we met during our stay.

We started the morning with a stroll to the large park near our hotel. This park is huge we walked for two hours and didn't see the whole park. There was a large lake in the middle. There were areas for people to play badminton, Ping-Pong, adult park to work out, two children's parks, area with rides, area with dancing and singing and lots of beautiful scenery. Next we ate lunch at our favorite noodle shop. We visited this shop three times this stay. Then we went to the museum next to our hotel which was the original burial ground of a king. It was interesting to see all the artifact found. Afterwards it was time for Elaine and I to go shopping. We hired Ann to take us to the silk, pearl and jade market but only made it to two markets before she wanted to go home. She sent us off in a cab on our own which was kind of scary but we were very relieved when we did make it to the hotel. We ate our last meal in the same restaurant we ate for Conor's sixteenth birthday. It was again quite the experience with no one there speaking English and we had a very difficult time ordering our meal. In the end the food was good but we were all very thirsty afterwards because all they had was tea.

Now we are packing up ready to head home in the morning. So happy to finally be at this stage and get our girls home! Next post will be from Home!

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