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In China
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Monday, October 19, 2015

Wow it's still so surreal! Still cannot believe we have her! The day started early for me as I couldn't sleep. I was up at 3 am reading a book for a while and then back to sleep for a couple hours. Then we were up at 6 and got ready and headed to breakfast. We met the guide at 8:15 am in the lobby along with the other family that is adopting. We arrived at the civil affairs office about 30 minutes before the kids did. It was so strange being back in the same room under a year later.

When she finally walked through the door with the orphanage staff they came straight to us. Steve got to hold her first and she cried right away. Then it was my turn. I had to get up and move around a bit and she calmed down. We looked through our family book and played in the playroom. I got to ask my questions to the staff and then it was off to the police station for pictures. She fell asleep on the way to the station but woke up once we got inside. She was content with Steve the whole time in the station.

Once back in the room we played and I got a few smiles. We also facetimed with the kids. Now after eating the two little ones are taking a nap and I'm getting time to post. God is good and I'm so happy we stepped out in Faith to bring home our newest daughter!

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