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In China
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Saturday, October 17, 2015

We slept much better last night. Hope slept until seven am. We were able to face time with the kids in the morning and it was so good to see them. Today was a shorter tour day. We started at a Art museum where we learned about the different kinds of Chinese Art and then had a calligraphy lesson at the end. Then we headed to the Provincial Museum. We started out in a very long line but our awesome guide was able to get us a ticket into the back way to cut the line. The museum was mostly filled with the items they found around the Emperors tomb. Hope had a meltdown while we were visiting here and our time was cut short. She is having a hard time being away from her siblings and misses them really bad.

After the museum we headed to lunch. Then back to the hotel for a much needed rest. After a short nap we then decided to explore. Our guide had drawn on a map how to get to the local Walmart and Muslim Quarters. It took us over a good hour to find Walmart. It was located in the basement of a mall that was four stories. We've had fun trying to find a bathroom every half and hour for Hope. After Walmart we headed to the Muslim Quarters. On the way we ran into a group of woman who were also mom's of children from China and were volunteering at a local orphanage. The Muslim Quarters were amazing, with so many shops and great deals! We found a few things for the kids. Then on the way back we walked through the food sections. So many different foods and smells! We got lost on the way back. Which is easy to do since all the streets look the same. It was sad to see all the beggars on the street. Several of them had a form of dwarfism, which broke my heart.

Tomorrow we head to Faith's Province. We have and early flight and should be there around lunch and then we will get settled in the room for the BIG day the next day!


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