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In China
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Friday, October 16, 2015

Today we got to visit the amazing site of the Terra-cotta warriors. We started with a stop at a place that showed you how the warriors were made. A farmer discovered them just 41 years ago in 1974. They have recorded 8000 soldiers and there are four different housings for them. The first one we visited was the largest. When the soldiers were discovered all but one were intact. So archeologist have been work one by one to piece them together since their discovery. Each warrior takes about a year to piece together. There were also horses and chariots but since the chariots were made of wood they were not found. They date these warriors to 221 BC. That alone is just amazing! They are made of clay used from the mountain near it. There are seven different types of warriors which each and every one of the 8000 displaying unique futures.

Later we walked the wall surrounding the inner city. We also took turned riding bikes. What an amazing experience this was. Hope is being a trooper through all of it and taking everything in. She ended up crashing at the dinner show tonight. We had a delicious dinner of dumplings and a unique dancing show. Just three more days until we meet Faith!! We can't wait!


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