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In China
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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wow we are exhausted. This was the longest travel day by far we have ever done. We left Tuesday evening and traveled for over 24 hours. 19 hours of it in an airplane. When we checked in for our first flight the problems started. Steve's tickets printed but the rest of our didn't. So we had to get our tickets in LA on our first stop. Then upon landing there was a medical emergency and Hope got upset and started asking to go home. We were distracted and I left my camera on the plane. We didn't realize it was gone until we were in line to check in for our international flight. I ran back and after an agonizing 20 minutes waiting for a word from Delta they told me they were not able to board the plane to look and I needed to submit an online request. To say I was devastated was an understatement. So I ran back to finish checking in for our international flight. The flight was long and exhausting. Hope slept for about 7 hours but Steve or I could not get comfortable. Then we arrived in Guangzhou and went through the long lines of customs and security to board our flight to Xian. We were so excited when we finally landed in Xian and even more excited when we seen our luggage made it.

We checked in to our hotel. We all took a much needed shower and nap. After our nap we ventured out to a restaurant the guide recommended. The menu was all seafood and we had a hard time deciding on a meal. We finally ordered some dumplings. We are heading to bed early so that we can be ready for our big tour day tomorrow!


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